BMI PhD Fellows Reading
February 13 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Beverly Rogers Literature and Law Building
UNLV Campus, RLL 101
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89154
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About the Event
Join us for an evening with BMI’s fiercely talented PhD Fellows Susana Ferreira, Samuel Gilpin, Francis Moi Moi, Robert Ren, Sreshtha Sen, and Wendy Wimmer, hosted by former Clark County Poet Laureate, Vogue Robinson. They will read from new and in-progress works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.
This event is free and open to the public, but a reservation is required. Free parking for this event can be found on the 5th and 6th floors of Cottage Grove Parking Garage starting at 6 pm.

Susana Ferreira is a Portuguese-Canadian freelance reporter, producer, and longform writer for magazines and film. As a correspondent and stringer, she has filed from throughout the world for major dailies, wires, television news networks and radio. She speaks five languages — six, if you count “Toronto English.”

Samuel Merriman Gilpin is a poet originally from Portland, OR. He received a BA in English from the University of Utah, and an MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. His work has appeared in various journals and magazines, most recently in Prism Review, Prime Number, and REAEDR. He is an avid people watcher, jazz aficionado, and a devoted cat dad.

Francis Moi Moi is a native of Las Vegas and an alumnus of UNLV. He holds a B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing and earned his M.A. in English with an emphasis in literature. Beginning Fall 2019, he will return as a Ph.D candidate as well as the inaugural BMI Fellow in Literary Studies. His intended area of focus will center on Pacific Islands literature. He has presented and chaired at the Far West Popular Culture Association, presented as the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference, and the Native American Indigenous Studies Association.

Robert Ren is a writer and teacher in New York. He has a BA from the University of Chicago and an MFA from Columbia University. He is currently at work on a novel.

Sreshtha Sen is a writer from Delhi, India and one of the founding editors of The Shoreline Review, an online journal for and by South Asian poets. She studied Literatures in English at Delhi University and completed her MFA at Sarah Lawrence College. Her work has been published in Bitch Media, Breakwater Review, The Margins, MACK, Meridian, and elsewhere. She was the 2017-2018 McCrindle Foundation Fellow for Readings/Workshops at Poets & Writers.

Wendy Wimmer is a PhD fiction fellow at Black Mountain Institute/University of Nevada Las Vegas. She is the fiction editor of Witness literary journal and the founder of UntitledTown book and author festival in Wisconsin. Her work has been published in Barrelhouse, Blackbird, Per Contra, ANMLY, Drunken Boat, Paper Darts, Non-Binary Review, Salt & Syntax and more, as well as nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes, AWP Intro to Journal and Best New Voices. Her short story collection was recently named a semi-finalist for the Hudson Prize. She was most recently a participant author at Believer Fest 2018. She lives in Nevada but her heart remains in the Midwest. Follow her on Twitter @wendywimmer or her very irregular website

Vogue Robinson is Executive Director of Poetry Promise, Inc. and the 2nd person to hold the title of Clark County Poet Laureate (2017-2019). Poetry Promise is a nonprofit which works to expand the knowledge and practice of poetry in Clark County via workshops, featured readings, artist professional development, scholarships, and bringing living writers into classrooms and retirement communities. Vogue’s dedication as both laureate and Executive Director has been recognized by Nevada Humanities (Rising Star Award, 2019), Las Vegas Weekly (Best Literary Advocate, 2018), and Desert Companion (Ones to Watch, 2017). When she is not advocating for other writers, she spends time with her family here in Nevada and they are her greatest writing inspiration.