Witness blends the features of a literary and an issue-oriented magazine to highlight the role of the modern writer as witness to their times.
Launched in Detroit in 1987, the magazine is best known for showcasing work that defines its historical moment; special issues have focused on political oppression, religion, the natural world, crime, aging, civil rights, love, ethnic America, and exile. The issues “New Nature Writing,” “The Sixties,” “Sports in America,” and “The Best of Witness, 1987 – 2004” eventually appeared as university press anthologies.
For more information and to subscribe, please visit Witness.

Interim is an international literary journal that publishes poetry, translations, criticism, reviews, and hybrid texts by emerging and established writers.
Producing one print volume each year and an online quarterly, Interim seeks writing that engages the perilous conditions of life in the 21st century as they pertain to issues of social justice and the earth, writing that demonstrates an ethos that considers the human condition in inclusive love and sympathy while offering the same in consideration of the planet. Interim was founded by poet Wilber Stevens in 1944 and has been housed at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, since the 1960s.
For more information and to subscribe, please visit Interim.